So I’ve been trying to cut down on my technology uses around Eyan. I have definitely been much better about it in the last week then I was even a week ago. I still have more work to do here, but honestly I am really proud of my accomplishments!
So why did I decide to step away from the technology? Well I read this and realized that although I am fairly decent about my technology use around Eyan I could do better. Now I am not completely cutting it out of our lives. I still keep my phone close by, but have not been checking all my social networks, email and text messages so frequently. I have also been more limited on the TV and iPad use for Eyan. Jason and I have been making a huge effort to spend more time on the floor playing games and toys then using our phones. We wait until he goes to bed and make sure that when he talks to us, we look at him.
We have also re-instituted dinner at the table. We did this the majority of last year, but then I got lazy and pregnant and that whole family dinner went right out the window and it turned into “Eyan get your mat lets pick out a movie!” So for the last 4 nights I have cooked and we have eaten at the table.
I am nervous that when Emberlynn arrives those family dinners will go right out the window and although I have the best of intentions to create freezer meals, I am not sure where I will get the time in the next few weeks. So my goal is to get 2 weeks of freezer meals ready while I am recovering from surgery and then from there to cook at home 5 days a week. It’s lofty, but I am going to fight like hell to do this for my family.
My amazing colleagues at work threw me a beautiful baby shower and got me some great necessities for Emberlynn! Some girly blankets (I was planning on just using the blue camo ones from Eyan!) and some cutesy clothes (God knows I need help in the dressing of a girl dept), and of course diapers, wipes and gift cards. It was a fantastic outpouring of support and love and I felt so amazingly honored that they would do this for me.
Getting unplugged more is a tough thing to do! I'm thinking this is something we need to do more of in our house as well. But I agree, just being unplugged isn't enough, turning off the TV is also necessary. Great article!
Brianne Paz
Thursday 7th of February 2013
Have you ever heard of dream dinners? It might be a good solution to help you keep up with some of your family dinners. Here is the link hope it helps.
Thursday 7th of February 2013
Hey, I really need to work on refraining on technology. son seems to always wanting leappad, tablet, Nintendo DS, & my phone on the road. When@home similar but computer, xbox, etc. I think I'm just as bad. Lol. How sweet of your co-workers btw I'm getting the clothes ready. Almost done whoo, I know finally :) I can take them to you. ..Whatever works for you. Oh I have some cute stuff too. ..when are you due?
I swear my mind is swirling yet empty all at once. Do you ever have those moments? I sat down to write this and literally NOTHING came out, yet I could seriously not stop thinking. What in the heck!
I couldn’t decide what to ramble about. I could talk about my appointment on Tuesday and how that went. I could talk about this list of baby stuff I actually have to get done. I could talk about work. I could talk about the change in friendships as my family expands. I could talk about blogging goals over the next year, or my plans for graduate school. I could just talk about none of that because is any of it really that interesting?
Right now I am sitting in my 1st hour biology class, watching my students build DNA molecules. They are so self-directed today which is nice because the last week and a 1/2 I have been teaching teaching teaching and I think they are all tired of me talking. I cannot believe that in less than 8 weeks I will be handing my classroom over to my awesome long-term substitute. I am actually nervous about this. With Eyan I could not wait to get out of the classroom and away from the HELL that was my previous building, but here, I feel at home. I feel like I am actually making a huge difference and turning my control over to another person just seems a bit scary. Add to that the fact that I still have my AP curriculum to organize before mid-February, all my sub plans to get ready, and prepare my kids for the transition in cooperation with my long-term sub and I am feeling a bit overwhelmed.
Lately I have been struggling with relationships in my life. Maybe it’s just that we (Jason and I) have just not had much time to nurture the relationships we have or maybe it’s because we are in a different place in our lives then anyone else. Whatever the reason, it has felt fairly lonely. I really try hard to call and talk to my friends but they are all busy. Getting together with family has been near impossible because well between the basement chaos and us just trying to keep up with day to day stuff there is not much time. What is driving me even more insane is that I feel like as my family is growing my very best friends and I are drifting apart through NO FAULT of anyone…just life. We are just in different points in our lives and I feel pretty alone in what have now become my main focus and priorities. It’s obviously to be expected, but it sucks. I created a FB group for other moms so we can have playdates like once a month. I need to schedule these out ASAP so we can all actually get together and have a good time and maybe I can add to my close friends that have the same priorities. Don’t get me wrong my best friends are still there for me, we still talk, but my chats consist of Eyan and pregnancy and I am sure they are bored. I even find that Jason and I are bickering more because even our relationship hasn’t truly been nurtured. We do have plans to add our date nights back in and are looking at different options for a 5-year wedding anniversary trip this summer, so I know that will help. Hopefully the next couple weeks will slow down and we will have a month where we can just build relationships and see family and friends. Believe me we are ready for it!
I am just about ready to sit down and make a ridiculously long list of crap I still need to get accomplished for Emberlynn’s arrival. I know the nursery needs to get rearranged and the bedding/linens will add a lot. I know that I have to get her name finished and the room decorated. I know I want to actually get some pages of her scrapbook completed and that we have to purchase a mattress for her. I need to wash clothes and organize drawers and buy diapers and wipes and probably more clothes. We have got A LOT done. We have purchased a double sit and stand stroller and a baby monitor (we still use Eyan’s for the light feature), we have the furniture set up and the room painted. I have purchased all the fabric for her room, we have a car seat and diaper bag. If she showed up today (which she better not) we would be fine. It’s not like I have not been through this whole baby business before, so maybe that is why I almost feel like there is no hurry. On a great note, the perinatologist (high risk doc) said that Tuesday was my last appointment with him and that baby and I look FANTASTIC! He is very proud of my weight gain, the baby looks phenomenal and my BP is great. She is measuring perfect and weighing in at around 3.12lbs and is in the 49th percentile. The doc made me laugh because apparently her heart is so beautiful and he was just getting great pictures of that which made him pretty excited. He also said that her brain already has numerous folds in it which is not typical of babies at 31 weeks gestation and makes me feel like she is already a genius :)!
I think that is enough of a brain dump. What are your thoughts this Thursday?
PS: Hop over to Building Our Story today and wish Censie a BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Yay! One more day until the weekend…and I desperately need a weekend.
1. Work has been overwhelming this year. I don’t know why, probably the exhaustion and nausea are what are making me suck at keeping up…oh and that crappy pregnancy brain. My classes are excellent and I thank my lucky stars for some amazing teacher assistants that are helping me out and keeping me up on my grading. My plan periods also seem chaotic this year so instead of cutting out of the building every day at 3:15, I have made an agreement with the hubby to have him pick up Eyan on Tuesday and Thursday’s so I can spend an extra hour after school getting caught up. I was ahead of the game last year, but just cannot find my groove this year! AHHH.
2. Eyan is just so freaking cute lately, but I think he either has laryngitis or his little toddler voice is changing. He tells me his throat feels fine and so I think he is probably ok, but if he still has this little rasp then a deep voice, I will be calling the doctor tomorrow.
3. Growing a human is hard work. I really need the nausea to go away. I can deal with the insane exhaustion but the nausea is killing me.
4. I am SO excited to see our basement come together. Yesterday they framed most of the bedroom. We are doing double closet with a built in seating area and I am SO stoked for this. I can’t wait to get home and see what they did today! I have been taking pictures, but am thinking of doing an update when each of the major parts have been completed (framing, plumbing, electrical, drywall, decorating!!!)
LOL! Yeah I usually need to drive 25 mins to get Eyan so I do my best to get out of the building early. I have several teachers aids that help me with grading and the team I plan with is amazing so I only have to plan a lesson every 4 days! Makes my life a lot easier!
Carrie Stickney
Thursday 13th of September 2012
You manage to walk out of school by 3:15!?! Totally jealous. We get out at 2:45 and I'm lucky to leave by 5:00.
I have a TON on my mind, but not a whole lot I feel like I can write about. That is entirely too frustrating. Let’s just say, life is full of unexpected moments, meant to change your direction…and hopefully for the better.
My dogs are driving me nutso! Being cooped up at home with them, listening to them randomly bark at kids playing outside while both the hubby and kid sleep is annoying. Incontinence is annoying! The fact that I have to tell them 200 times a day to get off the furniture is annoying. I love them to pieces, but I’m starting to wonder if the reason I have to be a working mom is because of these 2 monsters?
I’m bored! I feel like everything I want to do, just to get Eyan and I out of the house for fun, costs an arm and a leg and I’m too cheap to pay that price , plus my mani and pedi are too dang cute.
I need me time. Like a whole week without responsibilities. A real vacation. I had a great dream last night that we finally got our passports and took off to the beach somewhere. I guess a girl can dream right?
Ehh, Thursday, why do you gotta be so provocative.
I have 4 more weeks of school left. Seriously?!? This school year just flew by! I guess that is a good thing. I was in the staff bathroom today and someone posted on our little white message board that there are 27 days of work left! I took a second and thought, “I have enjoyed this school year and I am not quite ready for it to be over yet.” That was a new thought for me. Before this year I was making paper chains to count down the school year and becoming more and more cynical as the days went on. This year I am more at peace, and happy with my job. Don’t get me wrong, I am eager for those wonderful 2 months off in the summer with my baby boy, but I am a working mama and I love my job.
In other news, my husband has been chewing tobacco for a LONG time and I am SO grossed out by this. So much so that it was hard to want to hold hands or snuggle let alone kiss him. So I made a deal. I asked Jason why he chews and won’t give it up and he said point blank that it is the one thing in the world that he really just enjoys aside from his family. So then I said if I let him get the motorcycle he has been dreaming about would he be wiling to quit? He agreed so fast and quit that night! He hasn’t picked up a can of chew in almost 3 weeks and has even admitted that he feels better. So last night we went and purchased a gently used little Harley Davidson Sportster. It is a good starter bike and we got a hell of a deal on it! To top it off, our payment is only $60.00 a month which is exactly how much Jason was spending on chew. (Yeah I know the man was trying to die I think). When I remember to take a picture, I will post it. I am just thrilled that he has quit and we have a better chance of keeping him around for a LONG time!
I think my baby fever is subsiding a bit. Probably because the “I’m Pregnant” posts all over facebook have also subsided for the time being. I am so happy for my pregnant friends, but for a while there I thought I was losing my damn mind. We are a happy little family of 3 with 2 dogs and a bike (at this point I think the bike is part of the family). I thought tonight about purchasing one of those ovulation kits and then I decided that if God wants us to have another baby then we will have one in time, if not then we have the most precious amazing gift ever already and I sure can spoil him and smother him for the rest of his life.
Carrie Stickney
Monday 11th of February 2013
Getting unplugged more is a tough thing to do! I'm thinking this is something we need to do more of in our house as well. But I agree, just being unplugged isn't enough, turning off the TV is also necessary. Great article!
Brianne Paz
Thursday 7th of February 2013
Have you ever heard of dream dinners? It might be a good solution to help you keep up with some of your family dinners. Here is the link hope it helps.
Thursday 7th of February 2013
Hey, I really need to work on refraining on technology. son seems to always wanting leappad, tablet, Nintendo DS, & my phone on the road. When@home similar but computer, xbox, etc. I think I'm just as bad. Lol. How sweet of your co-workers btw I'm getting the clothes ready. Almost done whoo, I know finally :) I can take them to you. ..Whatever works for you. Oh I have some cute stuff too. ..when are you due?