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Our Experience Learning French with KOKORO Lingua

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What if I told you that in just a few short lessons, your children could learn French from native speakers?  Read on to learn how KOKORO Lingua is teaching my kids French in an engaging and unique way. 

Disclosure: I am partnering with KOKORO Lingua.  All opinions are my own. 

Learning French with KOKORO Lingua

What is KOKORO Lingua?

A few weeks back, we were approached by KOKORO Lingua and asked if we would be interested in our kids learning a second language.  As a teacher who also spent two years of my undergrad learning about culturally diverse education, I was onboard and excited.  I know that the earlier children are exposed to a second language, the easier it is for them to acquire it. 

Kokoro Lingua for children

So what is KOKORO Lingua?  It is an online video language featuring children, who teach their native language through emotions, repetition, actions and positivity.  You simply login to their website and work through each of the 10-minute videos and support material and watch your children and their language acquisition take off.  

Are you curious? Discover the first video for free

Our Experience Learning French with KOKORO Lingua

I was hoping to jump right into learning French with the kids, but our car accident, really put us all behind.  We just started the first videos this week and already I can tell you that our experience has been great.  The kids are really engaged, I am learning along with them and they keep asking to watch the video each night to work on their French. 

How to teach your children French

We log right in and the kids get to it.  They sit and focus the entire time.  My son who can read, will read the French words on the screen and our daughter who is still working on reading, focuses more on listening and speaking.  It is truly very interesting to watch each of them work through the language.  In just 1 lesson they could say “hello, my name is…” in nearly perfect French and a few other small words.  

Learning French with Kokoro Lingua

What is interesting about KOKORO Lingua is that nothing is in English.  The entire video features kids of varying ages and races, speaking in French and using actions and props to help kids understand the words and phrases they are teaching.  My children listen intently to what they are saying and then there are points throughout where they will have a chance to repeat the words or phrases. 

My kids especially enjoyed the part in the video where they are singing the words and phrases that they have worked on.  Each day they sing the little tune and work on their annunciation.  It is fun to listen to them and watch them interact with the video. 

Kokoro lingua songs

Overall, our experience has been really positive.  The kids are enjoying learning, they are focused on listening and practicing and they have both told me that it is fun to do.  There are parts of the video that encourage the kids to be active and mindful and allow them to really zone in and as a teacher I find that very valuable.  

Beyond the Videos

KOKORO Lingua does offer some supplementary materials beyond the videos.  As the students complete the videos, they can download a learning page, there is a script of the video and just an audio version for them to listen to, which might be good for the car. 

Kokoro Lingua support materials

My kids enjoyed working through the learning pages.  They first traced the words and phrases that they had been working on through the first video and then each of them worked on sounding out and saying each word or phrase.  It was a great way for them to practice both reading and writing. 

Kokoro Lingua worksheets

Want to Try KOKORO Lingua?

We have really enjoyed our trial with KOKORO Lingua to learn French and would love to offer our readers a special discount on their 1 year subscription!  For just 89€ (96.44) you and your family can learn French in the comfort of your own home.  Also KOKORO Lingua has offered to gift 3 of my lucky readers 1 year subscriptions!  Check out my Instagram and Facebook pages to learn how you can enter!

Are you ready to learn French with KOKORO Lingua?

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