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Lake Experiences #PLAYfulTrends #SP

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Disclosure: This post is sponsored by the Voice of Play. 
This past weekend was incredibly busy, but incredible.  Saturday was full of birthday party fun and family time getting back to nature!
#PLAYfulTrends, Voice of Play, 8 PLAYful Trends, Play Learning, Play Pledge, Lake

We started the day out helping my sister put together the crib for my upcoming nephew.  From there we headed to a fantastic birthday party for my good friends son over at Building Our Story. However, the majority of our day was spent with our kids at one of my favorite spots; The lake.  Each year there is a huge party at the lake with camping, boating, swimming, a band and so much food.  I love coming out here because I spent a large majority of my childhood here; The lake is home.

#PLAYfulTrends, Voice of Play, 8 PLAYful Trends, Play Learning, Play Pledge, Lake

This was the first year that both kids were absolutely excited about the lake. Both are little water babies and both love the outdoors.  We took a boat ride when we first got to the lake.  The kids were giggling and laughing the entire time.  Then the husband and the kids jumped in the water.  Our oldest did great swimming around, our youngest was a bit more timid.  It took her about 5 minutes before she decided she was ready to actually swim.  By the time they were all in the water, it was hard to get them out!

#PLAYfulTrends, Voice of Play, 8 PLAYful Trends, Play Learning, Play Pledge, Lake
Once they were done swimming the little loves found themselves a huge amount of little frogs.  They started trying to catch them and our son was very successful.  The little guy caught like 5 of them (all released back).  I was so surprised, because he is normally my very cautious child and he just jumped right in and picked those frogs up to show to everyone.  He was so gentle and so happy!
I was so happy to share my love of nature with our children.  It was one of the only days my kids did not ask for TV or any other technology.  It was great to watch them learn about so many things from water safety, to frog life cycles, to the difference between algae and seaweed!  What is even better is that they learned through playing.  
The Voice of Play identified the 8 most exciting PLAYful trends this year to get your family moving! These bring play back into families and learning follows.  Just an hour a day to get moving, bond with nature and experience life outside the home is so healthy for kids.  I am very glad that my family is able to get into nature frequently, that my sons school supports play learning and that my kids are all about moving and getting out of the house.  I encourage all my readers to get moving, get playing and take the time to make new memories.  This weekend is one we won’t soon forget!


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