I have been on pins and needles waiting to tell you all about our experience at Finding Dory this week. TODAY is opening day and if you have not already, you need to get to the theater and see it. It was so worth the 13 year wait!
The day of the movie I had stopped by Target and we found some adorable outfits and socks for the kids to wear. We then came home and watched Finding Nemo before we jumped in our car and drove to the theater.
We arrived on Tuesday to a packed house and very excitable Disney fans. No cameras were allowed inside so I did not get to snap any photos, but that is totally ok. The movie started out with an adorable Pixar short called Piper. In true Pixar fashion is was set to music, so cute and had a great little message of facing your fears. We loved it.
I do not want to put any spoilers out there, which is difficult when writing a review. I will say that there were some old characters and some new characters and my kids were laughing a lot at Hank the Octopus.
The basic storyline is Dory trying to find her family, (which was given away in the trailers so I don’t feel like I am spoiling here :). It is a fun adventure with only one slightly scary moment. I had to reassure my kiddos that everything would be fine and that everyone would get away. Aside from those 3 minutes of the movie, everything else was light and fun.
The movie seemed to be a bit longer at the end, but that could be just because we had an interesting situation happen. I promised my readers a laugh out loud story so here goes:
At the beginning of the movie we obviously asked our kids to use the restroom. Neither needed to and honestly they are usually great at telling us if they need to use the potty, or holding it until we can use the potty. Our seats in the theater were in the center of the aisle with 7-10 people on each side. Our little girl could not see because all of the booster seats were already in use, so she was sitting on my husbands lap. About 2/3 of the way through the movie, she came over and sat on my lap, asking for water. We got her some water and I immediately asked her if she had to potty. Nope, a big nope. She was very into the movie. She continued to sit on my lap and well…she apparently did need to pee. ALL OVER MY LAP! The movie was nearing the end, it was the moment we had all been waiting for and here I am getting peed on by my kid (who apparently REALLY loved the movie) and I could not leave yet. I just laughed, because what else can you do. When the movie did end shortly after, I checked the seat to see if it was wet, and NOPE, just me, I took the entire pee all to myself, which was evident because although it was my little girl who peed, I looked like the adult who couldn’t hold it. SO embarrassing. We had to wait for most people to leave the theater and I had to wrap a shirt around my waist and book it out of there.
Even when we asked her why she told us she didn’t have to go, her response was “I love Finding Dory.” So there you have it. Finding Dory is so good, you will pee your pants with enjoyment.
If you are anything like my family, you are prepping your kids for a fantastic movie going experience! I do recommend the 3D experience for sure! To make your life a bit easier, I am including some FREE Finding Dory Printables for you and your kids to print and share. The links are below!
Coloring Sheet Maze Connect Dots Find & Search |