Yeah that is how you explain it.
So lets look at at a timeline. (I may be off a couple days but excuse me my mind sucks)
Nov. 22-positive pregnancy test
Dec. 15-light spotting, sent for ultrasound. Showed babies growth was a week off what it should have been however there was a heartbeat.
Dec. 19- Doc calls and says my HCG levels are good but we need to do a 2nd blood test to see if the levels are increasing appropriately.
Dec. 21- 2nd blood draw
Dec. 23-Doc calls and says my HCG levels have not increased enough and a 2nd ultrasound is needed to determine viability. Go for 2nd ultrasound and find that baby has not grown but there is still a very low heartbeat. Am basically told baby is dying.
Jan. 26- Miscarriage happens.
Mar. 8- After 6 weeks of my “period” I have an appt to figure out what the hell is going on. Doctor wants to order a bunch of VERY expensive blood tests that I have to go to a draw center for. (After waiting about a week I finally get around to calling the draw center and getting prices and comparing those to what my insurance would cover and find out that I would be paying almost all of it out of pocket…ummm that won’t work)
Mar. 22- Go in for blood work at my doctor office after a whole long ordeal and explanation…this should only cost me $30.00
April 4-Get results back and I have no genetic clotting issues however apparently my HCG level is still a 47! WTF, there is no way in hell I am pregnant…hello I have had a period for almost 10 freaking weeks!
So where do we go from here? Well we wait another 2 weeks and do another blood draw to see if they HCG is actually decreasing. If it is not then I get to have a D&C…yay me :(. Until this miscarriage I had no freaking clue that this could happen. After doing some online reading I have found that that a few other women have had this same damn issue. So at this point I would be 23 weeks “pregnant?!” with what? A hormone? Ugh I give!
Oh and I also realized today that the reason I have probably been losing all this awesome weight (21 lbs as of this morning) is because I still have that freaking hormone in my system. Did you know that people are using HCG to lose weight..yeah well I am sure when this hormone is out of my system I will be gaining my stupid weight back…yay diabetes! It is just enough already…enough!